Ready to Find Your Calling in Life?

Spirit Panda Coaching, Inc
2 min readFeb 4, 2021


Courtesy of Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Sometimes, the path to a successful life and career can seem unclear and overly challenging.

I graduated with 2 engineering degrees when I was 25 years old. I know… That’s over 10 years now! It took 4 unsatisfying jobs, and 8 years later, to find the clarity and confidence to accept my calling. Followed by 2 additional years to gain the skills to shift my negative mindset and learn how to follow through!

“I don’t know what I want”

“What if I fail?”

“I’m not smart enough to figure it out”

These were some of the thoughts I told myself. If you lack the tools necessary to pursue the ideal career for you, it’s easy to throw in the towel, and thoughts like these will drive you to call quits… But you don’t have to be alone.

Today I coach to help others like me once to succeed and live happier lives sooner than later. You don’t have to let your negative thoughts and doubts control you!

Everything happens in due time. Ask yourself. Is today YOUR CALLING to find YOUR PLACE in the workforce?

Being in a job you don’t want to be in is self-neglect. It impacts all relationships around you and limits you from living the robust life you are worthy of.

Are you ready to honor yourself by living a FULL life?

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Spirit Panda Coaching has been helping young adults who struggle with finding their way after college to integrate into work and life with confidence and direction while leveraging the best of their sensitivity temperaments. As an HSP Business Coach, I am trained in guiding clients to a state of self-empowerment and success. All coaching sessions are remote, and you can schedule a 15min complimentary consultation here.

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